French slang

One of the difficulty when you arrive in a new place is to adapt yourself to the way people talk. Even though you speak a perfect academic French, you’ll struggle to understand what your new friends are talking about. So below a small dictionary of street French, feel free to comment and to add other expressions:

Slang Equivalent in French Translation in English How it’s used Translation
kiffer aimer like je te kiffe I like you
 soulé  en avoir marre  to be fed up  je suis trop soulé  i’m too fed up
 taf  travail  work  j’ai du taf  i have work to do
 ouf  fou  crazy  c’est un ouf  he’s crazy
 chambrer  se moquer  to make fun/ to tease  je te chambre  i’m teasing you
 pote  ami  friend  mon pote  my friend
 degueu  degeulasse  awful  c’est degueu  it tastes awful
 texter  envoyer un sms  to text someone  je te texte demain  I’ll text you tomorrow
 gerber  vomir  to throw up  j’ai vomi hier  I threw up yesterday
 thune, pognon  argent  cash  j’ai pas de tune  i don’t have cash
lourd / relou ennervant annoying il est relou he is annoying
chiant ennuyant boring ce film est chiant this movie is boring
se faire chier s’ennuyer to get bored je me fais chier i’m getting bored
chelou louche weird cet homme est chelou this man is weird
chiotte toilettes wc ou sont les chiottes? where are the wc?
clope cigarette cigarette t’as pas une clope? you have a cigarette?
que dalle rien nothing j’ai que dalle sur moi i have nothing with me
à poil nu naked elle était à poil she was naked
racaille / caillera banlieusard young suburban c’est une caillera he is from a poor suburb
renoi noir black (man) c’est un renoi he is a black
en scred en secret discret je suis sorti en scred i went out discretely
taxer emprunter to borrow je peux te taxer une cigarette? can I borrow a cigarette from you?
vénère etre enervé to be angry ca me vénère it makes me angry
wesh, oueche comment ca va? how are you? wesh ca va? what’s up?
mater regarder to watch il était en train de me mater he was watching me
louper rater to miss j’ai loupé le bus i missed the bus
meuf fille girl c’est ma meuf it’s my girl friend
grillé attrapé caught tu m’as grillé you caught me lying

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